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starstruckmon t1_j6jw3kl wrote

It seems like you're talking about a model that has been trained in both languages. However, there are two issues with this. Firstly, the Chinese generally prefer to train models solely on Chinese data or with a limited amount of English data included. Secondly, multi-language models currently perform significantly worse compared to models that are trained on a single language.


_Just7_ t1_j6kv8fs wrote

Hate to be that guy, but source on models in single languages being better? I thought more data = better modeling. Why would it perform worse if you also include the Spanish and Chinese parts of the internet?


starstruckmon t1_j6kygds wrote

I can't really speculate on that topic. It's currently an active area of research.

To be honest, this problem is so widely known that I hadn't considered finding sources to support the claim. Here is the best authoritative source I could quickly find

It may seem counter-intuitive to link to a paper that supposedly fixes this issue, but this is obviously the most likely scenario in which a paper would discuss it. Also, if you read it carefully, you'll see that while the authors managed to reduce the gap, it still persists.