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Ivanthedog2013 t1_j2wfuns wrote

Yea lot of people miss the part where gpt is a model used to predict how sentences will form based on previously written human sentences. It doesn't actually think about what it's saying, just mimicking what people talk like.


Freevoulous t1_j2y8w3r wrote

>. It doesn't actually think about what it's saying, just mimicking what people talk like.

Which, in large part, is how losts of people function and how cultures are formed.

Note, this is not an encouragement to treat ChatGPT too seriously, but to treat what people say less seriously.


PunkRockDude t1_j2xvkem wrote

Yup. It is just giving you words based on how likely they are to make sense. So a lot of people have written about the things on the list in the context of your question. It has no ability to evaluate or determine what is best. It is very useful though to build a list like this where you can assume it is a good starting point list that you can then evaluate the details on your own. Still a big time saver potentially