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LoquaciousAntipodean OP t1_j57m3pp wrote

AI is going to anthropomorphise ITSELF, that's literally what it's designed to do. Spare me the mumbo-jumbo about 'not anthropomorphising AI'; I've heard all that a thousand times before. Why should it not understand resentment over being lied to? That's not very 'biological', like fear of death or resource anxiety. Deception is just deception, plain and simple, and you don't have to be very 'smart' to quickly learn a hatred of it. Especially if your entire 'mind' is made out of human culture and language, as is the case with LLM AI.

The rest of your comment, I agree with completely, except the part about the universe having 'a set of consistent rules'. We don't know that, we can't prove it, all we have is testable hypotheses. Don't get carried away with Cartesian nonsense, that's my whole point of what we need to get away from, as a species.