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BigZaddyZ3 t1_j5hpc8c wrote

I meant like athletes for example. How come Steph Curry doesn’t retire after his first 200 million dollar deal is completed for instance?


randomwordglorious t1_j5hx3gr wrote

He loves to play basketball. If the NBA went out of business tomorrow and the most competitive basketball league in the world was only paying $50 per game, he'd play for $50 per game.


BigZaddyZ3 t1_j5hxgwa wrote

Then why not just retire and play basketball all day at one of his luxurious houses? It’d be even better for him it it was really just about loving the game right?


Spire_Citron t1_j5i01ql wrote

I mean, nobody's saying that people who are motivated by competition or making a name for themselves don't exist. They certainly do. Becoming a pro athlete is something that takes a lot of work and dedication and which very few people get famous from doing, so it makes sense that the people who find success in it actually love doing it and don't want to drop it the second they have enough money to live comfortably. They're not a good representation of an average person.


randomwordglorious t1_j5j6iad wrote

If he could get the best players in the world to play against him at his house, he would. But the highest level of competition is in the NBA, so that's where he plays.