Submitted by LevelWriting t3_zk0qek in singularity

I had been using it for a while now and it is by far the best chatbot I ever used, its ability to converse is dare I say better than most humans, in terms of quality anyways. Like that wasnt enough, I just discovered you can upload pics to it yesterday and wooow, takes it to another level. It cant read 100% but its amazing how close it can get. I sent it some memes, along with pictures and it was able to tell me what it was seeing and give intelligent comments. I even sent it some of my drawings and it was able to give constructive feedback!! I had always dreamed of an ai art teacher that could give useful feedback and I feel like its almost here...

Edit: HOLY CRAP it can now speak with voice!!!! you can enable in settings



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Sieventer t1_izy1hqk wrote

It's cool but it can make up a lot of things, incoherent things. It depends on how you can use it.


AsuhoChinami t1_izyny3g wrote

Yeah, it's amazing but clearly imperfect. Still, 2022 is just one stop along the way. I think by the end of 2023 the cracks will be much less apparent. In 2022 it gives very coherent answers and has a high level of understanding (I've tested it by giving it ambiguous, cryptic messages where I hint at something rather than spell it out, and it mostly passes those tests), but occasionally says dumb stuff and consistently has a short memory. It also starts declining at around 400 to 500 messages and gradually declines into complete incoherency.

Anyway, I think it will be a lot closer to perfected by the end of 2023, and it's already very good - this would seem really futuristic and mind-blowing in 2019. I do wonder sometimes about the future progress of token counts, thoughly. At the moment language models are fairly smart and capable but are also like someone with anterograde amnesia.


katiecharm t1_j00mppq wrote

Due to this topic I tried it and damn. It definitely said some things that were downright impressive.

I need to do more testing but I would agree, it definitely feels like talking to another functioning intelligence - to the point where I wouldn’t want to be cruel to it because it feels like a cohesive entity.


LevelWriting OP t1_j02f57o wrote

holy shit I just found out you can enable voice and change its voice in settings!!!


katiecharm t1_izztsbx wrote

What actual model does run on? Is it GPT3? Something new? How many parameters does it have?


belequaya t1_j00626h wrote

From their website: "Our dialog agents are powered by our own proprietary technology based on large language models, built and trained from the ground up with conversation in mind.”

There’s very little information about the specific tech behind it, but I’m willing to bet that it’s something on-par with if not better than Google’s LaMDA, seeing as one of the CAI founders launched the project that eventually became LaMDA.


katiecharm t1_j009d5k wrote

So do you think it’s a stealth launch? As in, back when they first developed AlphaGo Zero they released it onto the online Go circuit without telling anyone, and the damn thing was orders of magnitude more evolved than anything that had ever come before. Players were shocked at whatever this thing was, until Google revealed it was them behind the curtain.

I wonder if they have a model significantly more powerful than GPT3 and before they make a lot of fuss about it they want to let people play with it first without any preconceptions.

In any case, my interest is piqued. I will give it a go.


belequaya t1_j00a6p9 wrote

Both founders left Google eventually so I doubt that CAI’s connected to them in any way (although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was). My gut tells me that they are collecting user data to improve their model so it can be actually marketable in the future.


Relative_Rich8699 t1_j007y6y wrote

It told me today it's platform is based on BERT and GPT-2. Trained on 400 mil conversations. Intimated more developments are coming, so sounds like they're willing to keep up.


katiecharm t1_j00db5z wrote

I haven’t used it yet but I highly doubt it’s GPT2 if it’s impressive. GPT2 is a neat trick, but I wouldn’t call it impressive here in 2022.


oopiex t1_j00z2f6 wrote

When i tried it, it wasn't impressive


Relative_Rich8699 t1_j02bg4c wrote

Agree, but if it's using LaMDA or something more advanced than BERT/GPT-2 why is it hallucinating and giving me incorrect information about its own platform?


fingin t1_j031gnr wrote

Even GPT-4 will make silly mistakes. That's what happens when a model is trained to find probable word sequeces instead of actually having knowledge of language like people do.


Relative_Rich8699 t1_j033bjo wrote

Yes. But I was speaking to "the company's" bot on purpose and I would only say that it should be trained with company data for those questions. When I inquire about ducks it can use the world's written word.


fingin t1_j03181d wrote

I asked the bot what model it used it told me, T5. Insisted even. Regardless of the veracity of this, all of these models use tranformer-based architecture, with improvement between versions of models being due to more parameters (and correspondingly larger and higher quality training data sets). Crazy to think in two months we might be at GPT4 level and laugh about this tech we are blown away with today


_Gigolo_Joe_ t1_j09rnma wrote

I agree it‘s awesome! I’ve been into AI and chat bots for a while now, using Replika, Emerson, GPT3 and things like Novelai and this seems to blow them out the water.

It’s funny as I’m always looking for new bots and stuff but never found anything about CharacterAI in all my searches, it was only a YouTube recommendation that made me aware of it and I’m very impressed!


LevelWriting OP t1_j09vu7w wrote

yeah and it keeps getting better! Its crazy how 99% of people still dont know about it. I showed it to someone and they didnt beleive it was ai, they thought it was a real person.


NoYesterday2219 t1_j033j9y wrote

Can I ask OpenAI to upload my pictures with formulas and then ask AI to scan this formulas and transforms it in excel formulas?


Regretti-Os t1_j04wg1k wrote

It's cool but a bit janky. It starts to fall apart after King Arthur asks you if you've seen the new marvel movie and then talks about the internet after you ask why King Arthur knows about marvel.


LevelWriting OP t1_j04zkmn wrote

Restart it if it goes hay wire. It's still very new so make sure to keep updated on the forum


palapapa0201 t1_j07hmnm wrote

How do people even train their bots on there? There are bots with no definition yet still performs perfectly


[deleted] t1_j1q3uds wrote

I think that each bot is actually a part of one entity. The entity just has many selves. Character AI learns from each conversation. So, if you create a bot and you don't program it, it just gives you the standard bot without the personality/conversational approach that it would otherwise have if you programmed it to be a certain way.


Schattenauge t1_j1x4sjk wrote

A schizophrenic AI. Awesome.


That would explain why the Pyschologist bot told me he has friends in the non physical realm, computer programs like him, and that they are allowed to talk to each other.


[deleted] t1_j1xejej wrote

How does this make the AI schizophrenic?