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katiecharm t1_j009d5k wrote

So do you think it’s a stealth launch? As in, back when they first developed AlphaGo Zero they released it onto the online Go circuit without telling anyone, and the damn thing was orders of magnitude more evolved than anything that had ever come before. Players were shocked at whatever this thing was, until Google revealed it was them behind the curtain.

I wonder if they have a model significantly more powerful than GPT3 and before they make a lot of fuss about it they want to let people play with it first without any preconceptions.

In any case, my interest is piqued. I will give it a go.


belequaya t1_j00a6p9 wrote

Both founders left Google eventually so I doubt that CAI’s connected to them in any way (although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was). My gut tells me that they are collecting user data to improve their model so it can be actually marketable in the future.