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Spiritual-Ad-271 t1_izwtb38 wrote

In the near future, I would think that certain jobs which can be replaced by automation will be, but I'm not convinced that's necessarily what everyone here projects.

In the music industry for instance, many live musicians in Broadway shows have been replaced by automated music in order to reduce costs of paying an entire orchestra union wages. But that doesn't mean there are no venues for live musicians. That one arena is one where they were deemed replaceable due to cost and redundancy. But at weddings, private clubs, etc. Live musicians continue to be in demand because they add to the aesthetic.

I can see how AI could help with assessments and diagnosis and surgery in the medical industry. But most patients will still prefer to interact with a human in therapy or consultation with a doctor. At least for the next ten years.

There will always be a niche market for humans in any field, it will just become more of a conscious and aesthetic choice to interact with them in professional capacities within certain circumstances. Cobblers still exist and tend to have successful businesses particularly in urban areas where people prefer to have their shoes repaired.