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nikelz t1_j19ihte wrote

I'm not sure if you read that article, but it is just saying that instead of SEO it will be LLMO which is just replacing Search Engines with AI (LLMs). Frankly this change is already underway with Google's algorithms focusing more and more on ML in the past 2 years.

There will never be a shortage of companies trying to maximize their visibility from a digital aspect. That part will not change. People will still need services, products, and many things that you are not thinking of. SEOs will change to LLMOs and just optimize for LLMs instead of current search algorithms.

The part that may change is the role of search engines in our day to day. We don't know how it will change or what the future looks like, but marketing will always be a thing.

Be proactive and adapt as things change. The fear mongering isn't going to help anyone.