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thetwitchy1 OP t1_j1wye8v wrote

Also, Art, when done by people, is usually done to express an emotional message. It is done because NOT doing it feels wrong.

I have written many stories, some even to the size of novels, not for the recognition, and certainly not for the money… but because NOT writing the story felt wrong. I had something to say, and the best way to do it was through writing.

Good art, REAL art, is communication: you feel something that the artist is drawing out of you. It’s one of the reasons AI art falls flat a lot of the time: the feeling is there, but it’s drawn from so many sources and synthesized from so many things that it is random. Like pulling words from the dictionary because they sound good together and putting them in a song, it’s nice and pretty and meaningless.

That doesn’t mean that AI art doesn’t have a place in our world. AI art is great for making things pretty, for adding illustrations to the words you can write, for creating images to match descriptions… But there will always be a need for art that communicates emotion, and that is a need that AI art cannot fulfil on its own.


Panopticocon t1_j1yel58 wrote

AI art makers also try to communicate emotions. Only the process to do so (prompt iterating) is different from 100% self made art. Artists where traditionally seen as some sort of ultra profound individuals because they had the skills to express their thoughts into the physical realm. While others could not. Now everyone can do it. There will probably still be some respect for the dedication of the artist, but they wont be on the same piedestal for it anymore.