Submitted by petermobeter t3_zsxc3t in singularity

with the whole Code Red At Google thing, people are essentially saying “when u give them a query, search engines should give definitive textual (or media-based) answers, rather than giving you a list of relevant websites”.

but if all high-quality search engines switched over to that system, then HOW WOULD WE FIND NEW WEBSITES RELATING TO TOPICS WE RECENTLY BECAME INTERESTED IN????

it feels like a sneaky way to further the internet’s movement to a corporate walled-off disconnected internet. EVIL!!!! EVIL, I SAY!!!!!

sanitization of the internet’s connections will simply make the strong stronger and the weak weaker. it is darwinian!!!! EVIL!!!!!



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Different-Froyo9497 t1_j1akad5 wrote

“Hey GoogleGPT, give me some popular links to websites that cover this topic I’m interested in”

It’ll be that easy for next gen chatbots lol


earthsworld t1_j1arp46 wrote

more proof that this subreddit is getting dumber by the day.


Mylnternet t1_j1b8jz5 wrote

I think something like Tim Berners-Lee's (Inventor of the www) Idea of linked data will emerge on its own, as a consequence of a fundamental shift in how data is processed and stored. So we will shift from data stored in separate servers/databases to data stored in some kind of network whatever that may be (LLMs, embeddings etc.)

You will then probably no longer need websites, because you only need the data itself which is now "fluid" in the way it can be presented to you.


hauntedhivezzz t1_j1eccvn wrote

It makes me wonder if we need hooks between each of the LLM’s, wondering if they will need to communicate with each other? Will they be so big that they’re all encompassing, or more specific and finite and need to be Daisey chained?


AvgAIbot t1_j1bky8z wrote

I don’t want to find new websites. I want information quickly, reliably, and without all the fucking ads/tracker/bs that most websites come with. I don’t give a shit about a niche Amazon affiliate site or literally any other site as they all try to make money, that’s their only goal. I’ll choose a chatbot every time for gathering information. For the other 10%, I’ll use a search engine.


manOnPavementWaving t1_j1ahhh5 wrote

Have you ever seen the current google suggestions? Helpful, but don't completely replace the entire results section? Yeah, it's gonna be like that. Partly because it will be necessary when the chatbot fails, and mostly because people won't trust the system otherwise


AvgAIbot t1_j1bizo5 wrote

I think you’re right, kinda like a hybrid search results / chatbot


TouchCommercial5022 t1_j1aid0z wrote

I've been turning to ChatGPT in Google search a few times lately. He's going to eat his lunch if they don't drop his soon

Just wait until Microsoft implements ChatGPT in Bing.

It should be obvious: ChatGPT gets right to the responses. Since Google started putting all those junk ads at the top of the search page, I don't see much difference from their previous competitors. You were guaranteed to find what you were looking for on Google in the first two links. Now you open multiple tabs and crawl endlessly looking for the answer.

Google got too comfortable.

Not surprising at all. Most managing junior developers seem to prefer using ChatGPT to get responses instead of using google+stackoverflow.

I think ChatGPT serves as a legitimate threat to the whole concept of a search engine, not just to Google, but to the whole reasoning for a search engine in the first place.

We could be watching Web 2.0 crumble before our eyes in real time. Web 3.0 is humans speaking human language to an AI and the AI ​​accessing the internet for you, the humans themselves never touch the internet directly but the AI ​​adds everything for you.

Alphabet is in deep trouble because this would disrupt their entire business model. Even if they were to release a similar AI, it would not correct their business model, so this is a code red as it could usher in the bankruptcy of traditional tech giants.

I guess twenty years of having a ton of engineers in groups whose projects will just get canceled (even before launch, according to a lot of people here), is not a good business model. They always thought they would have a monopoly on search and therefore ads, and now look.

If ChatGPT can get us out of the hell of sponsored links and search engine optimized crap filling Google pages with swaths of useless junk, that's not what you were looking for, then great! Seriously, Google is worse now than it was 15 years ago... Sorry, people just want the things they use to get better over time?

Remember the fight Google had with news publishers for allegedly "stealing their website traffic" by showing short snippets that were good enough for many people who then didn't click through to see the full story?

Imagine something like this, times 100. That's what will likely happen with chatbots that replace/augment search.

I'd take a google killer because google results have been hitting dumpster quality for a while now.

But I don't think it's Google's fault. He searches a dumpster and finds trash as a result.

I notice similar problems with Chat GPT. You are very good with programming related questions because the internet is full of high quality open source code that you can learn from. Meanwhile, if you talk to him about health or any day-to-day topic, he returns a lot of garbage because with that we fill the internet.

We need more high-quality content online to make these systems work more reliably.

I hope people aren't really using it as a search engine because if they don't know, they do some credible-sounding shit.

if you use it as a search engine, I sure hope you are verifying what it is convincingly telling you

EDIT; chatgpt is great, but really unreliable in its responses (it's wrong for sure) and it's not real time (information is outdated). It seems that the big tech companies, especially Google, can replicate this and do even better given their access to data, although most of my Google searches leave me going through blogs that publish 3000 word posts full of content that is garbage but designed to perform well in Google searches.

When you open ChatGPT for the first time, it asks you to login. If I was really smart, it would already know I wanted to log in, created a username/password for me, and logged me in automatically.

I see ChatGPT and similar systems as an indispensable part of everyday life for many people in the same way as a calculator. A ubiquitous crutch or helper for "simple" things so we can focus on abstraction rather than semantics.

Imagine a future, everyone has personal AI. And they ask AI for everything, what should I eat for dinner, what career should I take, should I do this and not that. It gives a little scary. The Ai company has the potential to control people.

ChatGpt has only been released to the public for 3 weeks. Google is 24 years old and people have already started comparing the two. Imagine what ChatGpt can do in 10 more years.

Google is way ahead of the game internally, but they've had basically no opposition, so they're under no pressure to release anything to the general public. Now they finally have a reason to start using heavy weapons and assert their AI mastery. This is a very, very good sign in my opinion.

Well I hope they release something to compete with instead of buying it like they always do

They already have LaMDA in-house, they just haven't wanted to release it as ChatGPT for fear of misuse and bugs. ChatGPT already shows errors and problems.

However, all it does is show them the need to make a product using LaMDA sooner. People are really naive if they think Google isn't experimenting with AI search assistants.


tms102 t1_j1cm6ly wrote

I'm not going to lie, I'm not sure juniors should use this too much for code questions. The answers it gives sometimes are terrible. And juniors wouldn't be able to recognize bad answers. Because there is some context missing.

For example, sometimes it will use deprecated functions in examples.


itsnickk t1_j1ftly5 wrote

Although so does Stack Overflow, or other resources those juniors were already turning to for info


tms102 t1_j1gwnso wrote

Those sources usually have time stamps, or mentions of version numbers or other kinds of context.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1br6oi wrote

Well, Google just needs to let Lamda handle it. Once the CAI devs are finished with training the perfect nanny filter AI that keeps a lid on any unwokeness or obscenity, they can bring back the results to their first „child“ et voilà! Perfect new AI Google.

And speaking of code red and such… brings publicity and drama. I‘d say clever marketing, a continuation of the „conscious“ AI sensationalism…

Or am I just dreaming?

/conspiracy theory off


mouserat_hat t1_j1ceds3 wrote

Bro, have you seen your current Google search results?


tms102 t1_j1cnqno wrote

I don't think all search engine will be one chatbots without providing links to websites. That would be silly and there would always be a number of people that don't like it and therefore build something different.

I also hope people will realize that while the answers can be good there is a lot of context missing that can help judge if the answer you're getting is good or not.

For code answers for example I noticed it will give code snippets with functions that are deprecated or some functionality no longer exist in the library etc.


BootyPatrol1980 t1_j1bv6rn wrote

You know, you have the power to launch your own services. You have the power to spread word of your website. You have the power to not use Google for everything.

I don't know why some of you act so helpless. The Internet is still as open as it once was and a wide variety of hosting services are cheaper than ever.


ShowerGrapes t1_j1b767e wrote

soon we won't need "websites"