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Tidezen t1_izb4qxa wrote

I'm not an artist myself, but yeah I don't really think people using AI to generate art from only keywords are the actual "creators" of that work, more like "art curators" (since they do choose what outputs to keep).

My father does abstract art as a hobby. Not trying to plug him, but here's his instagram, just for reference. None of his work is AI-generated, but it looks like it could be.

It's a difficult line to define, though, with how powerful photoshop-style programs are these days. Filters and transforms can do a lot of the work for you, compared to traditional hand-to-canvass artwork. Still, he spends hours on each artwork he makes. Also, he has motor disability due to an illness, can barely use his hands, so if he didn't have those tools, he couldn't create what he does.

I guess I'm of the broad frame of mind that says, "Art is Art is Art". But I think of AI art as pretty firmly in the category of "found" art, in relation to the human posting it. It's more like having really good google-fu and a good artistic sensibility, to be able to recognize which outputs look the closest to what you want.


CannaCrunch t1_izdgthv wrote

Well, I suppose at the most basic level it is, but I don't feel like all AI generated art is in that category. I make 3d animations using a few different AI tools. Here's an example from one of my TikTok accounts: Stereoscopic Cyberpunk AICatgirl.

I spend about 4 hours on each 1 minute animation. I really do feel that that time and effort involved elevates the result above "found" art. And I'm sure there are far better AI artists out there than me.


Tidezen t1_izfpp6b wrote

Oh yeah, no doubt I would consider that "art" (very nice, too! :)). I think there may be a line in the amount of effort it takes. The AI art I'm talking about is the stuff that's done in a few seconds from a single prompt. But I understand that some artists are going through tons of iterations before getting to a 'look' that they want.

I can kind of make myself believe in it more if I think of it through the lens of fashion. To be fashionable, to express yourself through clothing, doesn't require you to make the clothes yourself. What we put together, what we "create" is the outfit, the ensemble.


aiartistic t1_j00stlc wrote

With the definition of artist: a person skilled at a particular task or occupation. They would actually be artists