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ThePlanckDiver OP t1_j2d0qf0 wrote

An interesting quote from a very interesting interview:

>We do think that our visual prosthesis work eventually evolves into something mass-market, but it will be a different underlying technology, not the microLED film. [...] we think we see a way to create what ends up as the ultimate AR/VR display technology without meaningful surgery.

And this little snippet sums up neurotech nicely:

>Engineering the brain is really this very transcendent goal if you take it seriously.


nickmaran t1_j2dg66k wrote

>The science eye

As a guy who is blind in one eye, I'm looking forward for it


KultofEnnui t1_j2dj956 wrote

As someone at risk for degenerative neural disease, I also look forward to it.

But seeing as how software these days is still so dependent on proprietary updates and apps, I'm scared of hooking my brain up to technology that requires a constant internet connection or is at risk of simply becoming obsolete because the fly-by-nite biomed company behind my brain chips goes out of business. Like the poor shmucks that cryo-freeze when no cryogenic company lasts more than a decade.


diskifi t1_j2dydot wrote

So theres almost 3000 killed chimps now?


Dindonmasker t1_j2elqgx wrote

I'm hopeful that using BCIs will boost a lot of tech advances that wont make us reliant on living animal based foods and products and save 10s of billions of lives yearly. I don't like that we have to do it but that's something i can live with it weighing my conscience.


Dindonmasker t1_j2em8b8 wrote

I agree with the goal but saying it's a sacrifice you are willing to make suggests that it's your sacrifice when it's easy to sacrifice other people who don't have a voice to protect themselves. It's sad but necessary.


neo101b t1_j2f70j0 wrote

I have tinnitus too and I have noticed if I use a tone generator and hit a certain frequency, it cancels out the noise.

Though it turns out my tinnitus sounds shifts to another frequency, so its intermittent noise and silence.