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Shelfrock77 t1_j10pncd wrote

MZ says it’ll take “5-15 years” for VR to have all 5 senses. He details it as if it’s lucid dreaming online.


DarthBuzzard t1_j1165wp wrote

Zuck has never said this.

Infact, Meta's chief scientist Michael Abrash has said that solving the sense of smell isn't going to happen in the next 10 years (smell capsules don't count - they can't scale to the masses), and he believes taste is not even on the distant horizon, because you need to figure out how to replicate the feeling of texture and actually swallowing food without actually swallowing real food.

Touch may be solved in 10-15 years, at least as much as it can without a brain interface.


rixtil41 t1_j11skch wrote

Or if we replace the brain with synthetic parts then you dont need to wear anything. You could control your sensations in ways that would not be possible.


Shelfrock77 t1_j11791a wrote

You haven’t watched his interviews, even Meta’s president of global affairs Nick Clegg says “it’ll likely take 10-15 years before it’s investments fully pay off. To back this claim up a third time, Mark has also said the metaverse will be mainstream in 5-10 years.


DarthBuzzard t1_j117u8c wrote

I've watched as many interviews from him as I can find.

Having 5 senses is not the same thing as the metaverse being mainstream or investments fully paying off - these are different claims.

So yes, Zuck has grand claims about VR's success in the next 5-15 years which I agree with, but has no claims about all 5 senses being there.


Shelfrock77 t1_j118lkg wrote

Idiot, listen. The metaverse won’t be mainstream until it incorporates all five senses.


DarthBuzzard t1_j118u4j wrote

Yet Zuck has never said this, and no one in Meta has said this, and no one in Meta is working on all 5 senses.

You made it up.


Shelfrock77 t1_j1192on wrote



DarthBuzzard t1_j119gl0 wrote

Hopefully you'll see what I mean with this:


Shelfrock77 t1_j119sk5 wrote

I’m not watching this Gary Marcus clone. How far do you predict we will get an interet of senses ? I set my deadline by 2030.


DarthBuzzard t1_j11avxh wrote

This is literally the main person responsible for Meta's development efforts in VR/AR.

By 2030, we will likely have hyper realistic visuals (at least 60 PPD + little to no optical distortions + HDR + variable focus). Can be pushed further and no doubt FoV will still have a ways to go, but vision will likely be in the realm of hyper realism.

Audio will likely be convincingly real due to personal HRTF generation being common and standard with audio propagation being utilized to fill in the missing pieces of spatialization.

Touch will likely not be solved as an affordable product for consumers. You will have consumer options, but it's unlikely to be standardized by then and won't be at the fidelity that we all want. It may take another 5+ years to get us there.

Smell and taste just won't be a thing outside enthusiast options like smell capsules which have serious drawbacks. There won't be a scalable product that can be standardized by 2030.


Shelfrock77 t1_j11b0iy wrote

Okay human, when do you think we will have all five senses ?


DarthBuzzard t1_j11bdcv wrote

No one knows. If I had to guess, it's at least 20 years out and maybe many more years beyond that.


Shelfrock77 t1_j11bgbg wrote

When do you think we will get AGI ?


DarthBuzzard t1_j11cbg2 wrote

Probably 2030-2040 if I had to guess. Hard to say because things can be deceptive.

ChatGPT for example can be extremely clever and useful while also hallucinating made-up information that seems plausible as first glance.


Shelfrock77 t1_j11aea1 wrote

“Mark Zuckerberg claims humanity will move into the metaverse in the future, leaving reality behind for a world of our own creation, that we completely control.”

“Meta plans to spend the next five to 10 years building an immersive virtual world, including scent, touch and sound to allow people to get lost in VR.”

And don’t try to say “bu- but da site isn’t credible” cause i’ve seen Mark talk about the metaverse shit like 20 times and he clearly states that it’ll become indistinguishable from reality. Elon has even said on the Babylon Bee podcast that neuralink would be able to let you play games online like in sword art online.


DarthBuzzard t1_j11c2g0 wrote

> “Mark Zuckerberg claims humanity will move into the metaverse in the future, leaving reality behind for a world of our own creation, that we completely control.”

This is just an author interpretation. It's bad journalism, twisting Zuck's words.

Zuck has been very clear in his interviews, saying that the metaverse will not 'take over' people's lives and that people will likely just shift the time they spend on TVs/PCs and 2D screens into immersive platforms like VR/AR.

He thinks that the VR they are working on cannot replace reality and isn't meant for that - but is instead going to be a great way to do things when reality can't provide.

>“Meta plans to spend the next five to 10 years building an immersive virtual world, including scent, touch and sound to allow people to get lost in VR.”

This is also just bad journalism. It's just a random sentence that the author made up.

> cause i’ve seen Mark talk about the metaverse shit like 20 times and he clearly states that it’ll become indistinguishable from reality.

Yes, from a visual/audio standpoint. He sometimes talks about how multisensory integration and the brain's plasticity allows people to have believable experiences in VR despite only two senses being functional, because the brain is very good at filling in the rest.

That's what he meant. Having experiences that are indistinguishable from reality because the brain can fill in the rest.

And even then, he makes it clear that this is not uniform. He has said that you can't replicate reality in every scenario, and that some things will feel more real and others less so.

> Elon has even said on the Babylon Bee podcast that neuralink would be able to let you play games online like in sword art online.

Maybe one day, but they are far from approaching writing detailed signals to a human brain.


Kinoxciv t1_j11eqmn wrote

This would be solved really quickly if you just posted a link to Zuck saying it'll take VR 5-15 years for VR to include all five senses, since the statement you're debating is you saying the following:

"MZ says it’ll take “5-15 years” for VR to have all 5 senses. He details it as if it’s lucid dreaming online."


EnomLee t1_j10qa4r wrote



Shelfrock77 t1_j10qcj7 wrote

The Zuck


ShowerGrapes t1_j10qvsv wrote

we all should be very thankful to exist in this liminal moment in history. it's like winning the lottery. future generations will be blase about it and people before us couldn't hope to even imagine it.


EnomLee t1_j10qszn wrote

Oh, duh! Real brain fart moment there. Thanks for solving it, lol.


phriot t1_j117dki wrote

It could just be me, but I have no recollection of ever smelling something in a dream. I don't think I've ever tasted anything, either. I've only ever had a few dream-seconds of lucid dreaming in total, though.


Shelfrock77 t1_j117tga wrote

I’ve ate plenty of things in my dreams. Recently I was eating wings lol. I’ve smelled smoke in my dreams cause my house was burning with fire. I’ve gone through wormholes in space. I usually have those wild dreams when I take weed tolerance breaks. My schizophrenic friend says he will sometimes taste or smell different things from time to time.


phriot t1_j119kuw wrote

I've definitely eaten things while dreaming. It's just that if there was any actual taste associated with the action, the memory is completely gone by the time I wake up.


Shelfrock77 t1_j119zal wrote

How do you know you’ve tasted things if you just said you can’t remember tasting it.


phriot t1_j11bc38 wrote

I said that I remember eating things. Like the physical action of putting food in my mouth. I don't remember any taste being associated with the action from the dream.


Shelfrock77 t1_j11bkmn wrote

Why did you even eat the food then dude ?


phriot t1_j11bvwf wrote

Do you have no concept of a non-lucid dream?


monsieurpooh t1_j14ooy9 wrote

5 senses is really misleading if it's not full-dive matrix VR. If you can't do Judo in it then it's not really a fully immersive VR. If you try to do a parkour Kong vault and end up falling flat on your face because the support wasn't there in real life then it's not a true VR. If your in game character gets double legged and your real life self is still standing, that's an instant de sync