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AsuhoChinami t1_j1hpby2 wrote

Definitely. There's a healthy amount of people on both sides. The self-proclaimed realists and skeptics just go "omg dis is such an echo chamber!!!!111111 REEEEEEEEEEEEE" because the other side annoys them so much that their presence gets built up in their mind as being greater than it actually is. A 50 percent demographic can feel like 99 percent when you wish that it was a zero percent demographic.


Ortus12 t1_j1k5euh wrote

It's because they have no solid arguments, they have to resort to ad hominem attacks to poison the well.

It's pure emotion driving their thought process because they don't want to get their hopes up.

Not only here, but this debate has been going on for decades about exponential vs linear progress, and the linear progress people see the world looking the same as ten years ago and that's enough for them. The ones who see what's actually happening see an exponential increase in computation with no signs of stopping that's set to dwarf all of the computation of all human brains in the next few decades.

It's logic vs emotional thinking.


SumpCrab t1_j1kmoru wrote

It's not about if the singularity will happen but about whether the benefits are going to be shared. I think it is a bit naive to believe that the singularity is going to solve all problems and not create any problems. Just because you can imagine the solutions does not mean effort will be applied fairly. In the future, sure, but there is going to be a transition period, and there will be people caught in the margins, as they always are.

I like this sub because I like to keep up with developments, I wasn't aware this place is only for those who drank the kool-aid.


Ortus12 t1_j1kojx2 wrote

I agree. It is the most disruptive technology mankind will ever invent.

The transition period has already started and real unemployment is already climbing. I wouldn't be surprised if more people are dying on the streets.

People who make the argument, the masses will riot without jobs and over-throw the rich, don't realize ASI can be used to control the masses easily. Even modern corporate funded media and propaganda do a good job at that.

We could be starving, choose to sign up for the military because we are lead to believe most people are doing well, the military is safe, the military is doing something good, then sent off to a meat grinder war in wave after wave to get rid of us.

What happens depends on a very small group of people, and what they want. Everything could turn out great with UBI and all of that, but before we could even get to that point AI is an amplification force for capitalism and an amplification force for a small group of extremely rich people who already have all of the data and money to make most effective use of Ai.