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iNstein t1_iyci42d wrote

As long as it is a choice for the person affected without any pressure. A lot of people with autism are happy with their life, they just struggle with intolerance from neurotypical colleagues. I'm not advocating stopping this, I'm saying don't push it on people if they don't want it.


SafeHayven t1_iyd81ry wrote

Autism also puts a burden on other individuals, especially if the affected person can’t work to support themself due to their condition. So a cure would benefit everyone.


iNstein t1_iyfaz1h wrote

If we changed your mental state we could make you super productive and useful to society. None of those personal interests to get in the way of your contribution. Probably get rid of those interfering emotions too. We can fix you up. You good for that or do you want a say in the matter?


earthsworld t1_iyd9sc1 wrote

>I'm saying don't push it on people if they don't want it.

who is saying or suggesting that? why are you leaping to conclusions about some sort of forced "cure?"