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User1539 t1_iy3dvc3 wrote

perfect answer. We're in the Palm Pilot years of VR, where people know it'll be something everyone wants but somehow it's not quite there. People who grew up imagining pocket computers you take everywhere with you were disappointed.

Then the iPhone happened, the market exploded, and every type of pocket computer you can imagine is on the market and everyone carries one with them.


Experience_Far t1_iy3q9xb wrote

True bluetooth was also a big help shure you can make a phone call with your smartwatch or car now. I can remember growing up it was a minor miracle to get our car started.


User1539 t1_iy3uuy6 wrote

Honestly, I think it's the always on cellular internet connection.

I had a Palm back in the day, flashed it to Linux, had a web browser and could get WiFi through a Cartridge that looked like a Gameboy Advance game. The whole setup was bigger than my phone is now, and only made any sense at all because, at the time, I was living near a campus where wifi was everywhere.

I had the old Nokia unbreakable phone and that thing with me at all times. Each one weighed more than my phone does now, and together they were 1/10th as capable, but putting the two together was what changed the game.