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gobbo t1_iy07odr wrote

Automation is a two-edged sword. It puts management level decisions into every day life where they didn't exist before.

An example I use a few times a week is talking to boomers about how computers are not the automation appliances they had hoped for yet. They still have to figure out how to do many of the things the automation is not fully capable of.

For example, if you are over 45 or so, you probably remember being a young person and looking at white-collar jobs listed like filing clerk level one or three.

Those jobs practically don't exist anymore. Everyone does their own filing, and the filing cabinet is a hard drive that they carry around with them or are primarily responsible for. In a large corporation, you might have a sysadmin who is doing some of the filing cabinet maintenance, but you still have to file your own shit.

If you told someone in 1970, that one of the unacknowledged but dominant effects of computers in 2020 would be that more people have to learn to become filing clerks, they would've looked at you funny.

AI fully integrated will be similarly replacing jobs and throwing unexpected responsibilities on us.


Frumpagumpus t1_iy4i893 wrote

not just AI, i use an operating system called nixos which gives you somewhat unprecedented levels of control over building your operating system. or it makes that level of control far more accessible than it had been before (when you would rely on your distro package maintainers exclusively to build your software). i think nixos will only get more widespread in industry, semi usurping docker (in some of its roles) in some environments. probably there are other examples (maybe yubikey/password managers somewhat?).

i had never recompiled my kernel myself for example before using it.


gobbo t1_iy4lfvd wrote

Updoot for mentioning nixOS, which I am still holding out hope for getting a user-friendly-enough package manager.