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quad-ratiC t1_ixr3t3j wrote

It’s a misconception that tf and PyTorch are built in python. They both run on extremely fast cpp libraries that are then repackaged for python. Python is simply a more readable language and makes iteration much faster and easier. When these models go into production they are usually in cpp


CleanThroughMyJorts t1_ixrldjo wrote

yeah but python is still a giant pain in the ass and gets in your way the second you try to do anything beyond the standard programming model.


That's why there's so much effort these days to make domain-specific-languages inside of python that can compile down to C (tools like Numba, TorchScript, Jax etc).

Somewhere along the line we realized the hidden costs of standardizing around python, but now there's so much infra already invested in it that switching away is impractical. And what can you even switch to?


botfiddler t1_ixsd9ad wrote

Idk, Python brought us where we are. It just works well for people who want to write rather small programs in a high level language. If they had done all of that with some form of Lisp I wouldn't complain, though.