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Halperwire t1_ixfxczv wrote

You are discounting every single innovator with statements like that would have happened eventually. Yeah bro, Einstein was totally not significant. We would have figured it out anyway.

Oh yeah the other autos are totally going to outpace Tesla… at some point people get tired of the naysayers when it comes to Tesla and people like you simply pivot onto the next thing. “Soon… will be… just wait until…”

If you knew a thing about Teslas you would know no one is even close. For being in a sub about the future, you sure don’t seem to understand how progress is made. Elon has to sell the future and that’s precisely how he’s able to make so much progress relative to everyone else. Just step back and look at what he’s done and on how little time. For example, to judge him for missing a mars mission timeline from 10 years ago is insane. SpaceX has accomplished amazing things without going to mars yet. You see what I’m saying. It’s very easy for critics to judge something he says all while ignoring reality.

Tldr Elon sets his timelines if everything were to go according to plan and that plan was perfect. This puts pressure on himself and his workers to work extremely hard and to deliver.


AppropriateScience71 t1_ixgiyhp wrote

This. Horrible human, brilliant visions that are changing the world - and he has the $$ and connections to pull it off (or write it off). A viable electric car market would still be 5+ years away without Tesla. High speed internet wouldn’t exist in rural areas in the foreseeable future. Ok, the Mars mission is a bit of a stretch, but, through this, he’s now DoD/NASAs go to for launching satellites. Way cheaper and great track record.