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visarga t1_ixmbq7v wrote

AI is not that creative yet, maybe in the future, but how many mathematicians are? Apparently it is able to solve hard problems that are not in the training set:

> Meta AI has built a neural theorem prover that has solved 10 International Math Olympiad (IMO) problems — 5x more than any previous AI system.

> trained on a dataset of successful mathematical proofs and then learns to generalize to new, very different kinds of problems

This is from 3 weeks ago: link


purple_hamster66 t1_ixmi7gj wrote

BTW, I took the IMO in high school and scored the second highest grade in the city. [We had a few prep classes that other schools lacked, so I don’t think it was a fair skill evaluation.] Looking back on college and graduate tests, the IMO was perhaps the hardest test I’d ever taken because it had questions I’d never even imagined could exist. So for an AI to score well is really good news.