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UniversalMomentum t1_ix3yhjk wrote

I wouldn't expect sentient AI to be much more intelligent than humans by 2050.

It'll be better at doing repetitive tasks and tasks with lots of variables but that doesn't mean it'll actually have all the qualities of human intelligence when it comes to imagination or intuition.

You're making a mistake to assume AI will be so much like human intelligence. the parts of AI that seem very human will mostly be parts that humans injected in there and the underlying intelligence may be much different because it's not evolved in same way as pretty much all other life on the planet. Likely not going to have feelings and empathy. Probably not going to have fear and it's probably not going to imagine very well, but It will be able to think with Brute Force that is kind of like a different form of imagination. An exceptionable problem solver and coupled with human imagination I think we will do well together but it's probably more of a symbiotic relationship.

Your post is very ridiculous but what you're really seeing is that humans evolved dominated by negative stimulus because all life evolved like that because memorizing what can kill you requires less brain power than memorizing what makes you live.

Means all life tends to prioritize negative stimulus and you can also see that in the form of humans generally reacting to fear more than positive news so when you take something like speculation into account you wind up in a scenario where negative speculation or fear-based speculation it is always vastly more effective than any type of positive based speculation. you also see this in all the money markets where people panic very quickly and can have major sell-offs that turn into Domino effects but that almost never happens to a positive speculation in future technology.

It's not Just a problem with technology but for anybody who's into future Tech they might see it as like bias against future Tech.

Important to remember with climate change that we don't really know how much worse it might get as systems start to fall apart and humans start to panic because again we're right back to how fear motivates people more.

Also means if a trend devolves for the standard of living is declining because of droughts and flooding have a serious social collapse kind of like Rome collapsing Into the Dark Ages.

Climate change is dangerous but in all these scenarios even like nuclear war the most dangerous part is how humans react afterward and in the relative chaos created by rapid change.