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turnip_burrito t1_iv9s7uh wrote

Don't shoot the messenger man.

You're being pretty snobbish for someone who lives a fairly artificial lifestyle yourself. True nature lovers would avoid modern economic systems, urban norms, electronics, movies, any music that's not just vocal singing. Unless you live in the woods as a hunter gatherer, you're building walls to remove yourself from nature. Why are you trying to hide away from the natural way of life, like these VR blob cells?


apple_achia OP t1_iv9si1y wrote

Hey I’m not the one advocating for stripping half of humanity of its body and family in favor of prodding it’s brain with electricity here, don’t pretend I’m the villain for calling you names. If you ever want this to be real, or expect it to be, you can expect a little bit of back lash pal
