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swazhr t1_iu378eb wrote

The average citizen where you're from can't afford college and is an idiot? You must be American. Takes a real weirdo to need your fellow citizens to be powerless so non-threatening to feel good about yourself. Good luck in the coming years 🤧


IBuildBusinesses t1_iu37k2k wrote

I’m not American. And you missed my point.


The_Original_Hybrid t1_iu3n76o wrote

The dude probably doesn't even have a degree, or if he does, it must be in a subject like history or art. Anyone who comes from a STEM background will know that engineering is a difficult major. It has one of the highest dropout rates.

I'm fairly confident in saying that the average person would be unable (or unwilling) to finish a bachelor's in engineering.


[deleted] t1_iu7jodf wrote



The_Original_Hybrid t1_iu80uo2 wrote

LMAO that's probably because you have a degree in history or art. It's a well known fact that the majority of engineering students dropout.

Do you think it's likely that all of those students had experienced some unfortunate life-changing event which suddenly forces them to dropout, or is it more likely that they simply aren't smart enough to complete the degree?