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Kong_Here t1_itzl6fw wrote

Until we have automation that can design, install, maintain, and upgrade itself, we are going to need engineers to do so. I can tell you as someone trying to hire skilled engineers right now, it's only getting worse out there. We don't have the educated population to maintain our path of global innovation.


Kinexity t1_iu00e1g wrote

The less people need to do other jobs the mor engineers you can have. Not everyone can be an engineer but there is more people who can be engineers than those that actually become engineers.


TheSingulatarian t1_iu085lf wrote

Those people go work on Wall Street instead.


Kinexity t1_iu0a0sk wrote

Somewhat true. One of my profs wanted initially to work in a financial firm but at the end said fuck it. Wall Street will (or at least should if not even must) loose importance so we should free up more potential engineers.


tmmzc85 t1_itzomo2 wrote

Maybe we shouldn't have made military service a prerequisites for higher education for the majority of the population?


Gaothaire t1_itzqwgf wrote

But think of the profits of warmongering weapons manufacturers!


TheSingulatarian t1_iu07z38 wrote



Primus_Pilus1 t1_iu2ka3s wrote

That joke just emanates more cruelty as the years go by.


KillerInfection t1_iu2we6b wrote

It's the same amount of cruelty but just more evident as the years better reveal the hypocrisy inherent in Western Capitalism cloaked in jingoistic bullshit.


purple_hamster66 t1_iu0pt1w wrote

We don’t need a complete solution to have massive efficiencies. A car used to take 1000 workers to build in 1980. Today it takes fewer than 250 workers… and even fewer at a Tesla plant.

A gas car has 2000 moving parts. An electric car has 100. It takes way less effort to design, source, build, and test an electric car than a gas car.


amobiusstripper t1_iu0npiq wrote

Automation can actually design and code it's self now. People have no idea how advanced the next gen of robotics will be. It will be near human and the only thing we need to worry about is the power source. It will be here in 2 years.


Equivalent-Ice-7274 t1_iu2s7zn wrote

Robots will NOT be near human in 2 years. Are you saying that in 2 years, a robot will be able to drive itself to someone’s house in a work truck, and perform any plumbing job that a human can? More like 20-30 years.


red75prime t1_iu4c2ky wrote

I agree on the unrealistic expectation of 2 years. The closest thing to human agility we have is Boston Dynamics robots which use hand-tuned dynamic control algorithms. This approach is not scalable by itself and it's unlikely that it will be integrated with machine learning approaches in 2 years. Or that the transformer-based robotic control will scale to realtime control of humanoid (or equally complex) robot.

But at some point AI controlled robots will start feeding back into manufacture of AI hardware. At that point AI-based economy will explode by removing inefficiencies of human-based economy (coordination problems, lengthy learning time, wages and so on).

It will not take much time after that for operating cost of a universal robot to sink below minimum wage.

Every year that passes increases probability of such an explosion. So 2040s can (and most likely will) be in an entirely different era than 2030s.

That's why I distrust confident technological predictions on the scales of 20 years or more.


Equivalent-Ice-7274 t1_iu4crzn wrote

The main problem besides the AI is the robot hands. We have nothing that is even close to the strength, speed, flexibility and agility of the human hand, and it may be an engineering problem that would require exotic materials to achieve.


red75prime t1_iu4hadn wrote

Ah, engineering problems. They are certainly a factor. However, AIs seem to be good at coming up with potential solutions (take AlphaFold for example) and prototyping and testing could be made highly parallelized in AI-controlled R&D.


Equivalent-Ice-7274 t1_iu4htyp wrote

It’s possible, but it’s not close to being developed yet. I am baffled by the people who actually believe that we will have robots that can do anything a human can do in 2-3 years.


red75prime t1_iu4in64 wrote

Yep, Gates' law: "Most people overestimate what they can achieve in a year and underestimate what they can achieve in ten years."


yillian t1_iu1l3o1 wrote

Still need people to repair them. That's what the future will be. Repair techs, managers, safety teams, compliance teams and HR.


IBuildBusinesses t1_iu0gqls wrote

The average person does not have the chops to become an engineer.


swazhr t1_iu23u02 wrote

You must have never met an engineer


IBuildBusinesses t1_iu2617d wrote

I’ve worked with many. I don’t know what engineers are like where you’re from, but where I am, I can assure you most people would never get through 4 years of university math,physics an EE to even become an engineer. I’m sorry to hear the engineers where you’re from are idiots. Do buildings fall down a lot there?


KingRamesesII t1_iu3w1vl wrote

I remember my first EE course freshman year of college after earning a reputation as a “smart guy” my whole life and I was like “This is difficult enough to learn, but you’re telling me some madman just sat around and invented this, from scratch?!”

That’s when I learned the difference between above average intelligence and genius.


swazhr t1_iu378eb wrote

The average citizen where you're from can't afford college and is an idiot? You must be American. Takes a real weirdo to need your fellow citizens to be powerless so non-threatening to feel good about yourself. Good luck in the coming years 🤧


IBuildBusinesses t1_iu37k2k wrote

I’m not American. And you missed my point.


The_Original_Hybrid t1_iu3n76o wrote

The dude probably doesn't even have a degree, or if he does, it must be in a subject like history or art. Anyone who comes from a STEM background will know that engineering is a difficult major. It has one of the highest dropout rates.

I'm fairly confident in saying that the average person would be unable (or unwilling) to finish a bachelor's in engineering.


[deleted] t1_iu7jodf wrote



The_Original_Hybrid t1_iu80uo2 wrote

LMAO that's probably because you have a degree in history or art. It's a well known fact that the majority of engineering students dropout.

Do you think it's likely that all of those students had experienced some unfortunate life-changing event which suddenly forces them to dropout, or is it more likely that they simply aren't smart enough to complete the degree?


TheDividendReport t1_itzs320 wrote

Maybe AI won’t automate engineers but surely it will augment and improve the current workload?


SoylentRox t1_iu084rl wrote

Of course it will automate engineers. Many but not all engineering problems are described as a simple optimization problem you can autograde.


purple_hamster66 t1_iu0q02i wrote

I think “autograding” is what a robotic teacher does, right? :)


SoylentRox t1_iu0qt8k wrote

Yeah basically. Typing on my phone but yes. Basically like if you want to engineer a gear train you are really asking for "the cheapest set of gears that does function X, has a 99 percent chance of working past warranty period Y, and fits in as small as space as possible".

So the machine can propose various gear sets and you can auto score how well it met the 3 terms I gave above.

It can use that score as an RL signal to propose better gears.

At scale - with millions of simulated years of practice and hundreds of thousands of variations of the "design a gear train" problem - even a very stupid algorithm that learns poorly will still be better than any human alive.

Simply by brute force - it has more experience and can propose a thousand solutions in the time a human engineer needs to propose one.


overlordpotatoe t1_iu1ky18 wrote

I don't think it'll be a huge issue if there are enough workers and it's just a matter of there not being enough with the proper qualifications in a particular field. There are many things you can do to encourage people towards certain jobs that we mostly just don't want to invest in. Make tuition and housing free for anyone in that course as long as they're passing their classes and guarantee them a good job afterwards. We need to be willing to invest in the kind of workers we have shortages of.


poobearcatbomber t1_iu2qak2 wrote

Not only is it getting worse but so are standards. Imagine how many incompetent engineers are out there.

On top of that because demand is so high there is essentially zero benefit to working hard and bettering yourself. They do not reward hardwork in tech at all, they just promote you instead. That's how they can justify it to their investors. I want to be paid more for what I do, not take on more responsibilities.

Sry for the rant. It's been a day.


Dras_Leona t1_iu04c4j wrote

Automated tools will allow 1 engineer to maintain 100 robots.


SoylentRox t1_iu088qw wrote

Probably won't even take an engineer just a technician working remotely.


Primus_Pilus1 t1_iu2kmk9 wrote

Actual engineers are generally level 3 or level 4 of tech support chains.


therealzombieczar t1_iu3uai8 wrote

a decade in engineering:

it's been happening for a while, cad/cam improves, less engineers needed, ai is already in common use to optimize structures...

it's just a matter of time before the majority of people just aren't competent enough to be useful...


SoylentRox t1_iu07tl6 wrote

So the automation will be developed regardless of if usaians are available to do it. China is investing heavily in AI also and has less obstructive regulations actually enforced. (They care a lot less about the risks to workers and pollution)

A shortage of workers means more potential profits for automation.


Bakoro t1_iu2cm3b wrote

We absolutely do have the numbers. What we also have is a gross misalignment in the economy where many developers and engineers are being paid to make bullshit, and a lot of them are doing redundant work because the idiotic "competition is always good no matter what" stance of capitalism, even when it's purely wasted effort.

In addition, a lot of people who are smart and hard working enough to be engineers simply don't have reasonable access to education.

We do still need more educated people, but we could be putting who we have to more productive use.