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Kawawaymog t1_it8helb wrote

The difference in intelligence between a human and a chimpanzee is not negligible. the human brain is absurdly large, three times the size of a chimpanzee brian. The human brian is insanely complex compared to anything else in nature. It is an evolutionary marvel.


Lawjarp2 t1_it8jhrh wrote

Difference relative to a super intelligence. It's like comparing a 20 IQ ape (some are smarter) with a 100 IQ human and thinking we big smart.

To a 1,000,000 IQ super intelligence, Ape and human are more similar than not.

NOTE: IQ points are there to make a point, not real.


Kawawaymog t1_it8mhtg wrote

Well that’s fair enough. But to the point of the first comment in this chain. It’s my opinion that a super intelligent AI would take immense interest in humankind. In a similar way to the way we take immense interest in the first single cellular organisms. They are manny orders of magnitude simpler than us. And had no intelligence at all. But they have immense importance to us. I think human kind will be similarly though of by a super AI. And just as we run simulations of microbes, an AI might run simulations of us.