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Bakoro t1_iszkyut wrote

Eventually, nearly all jobs will be taken by AI. That's not a bad thing. That's the thing we should be running at, full speed.
People don't need jobs, people need things like air, food, shelter, sometimes clothes, and prefer to have something to keep themselves occupied.

Jobs are supposed to just be an inconvenient thing we have to do to get the things we need and want. What jobs turned into is a means to control the masses. "The economy" is a way for people to exploit people. There's no way that someone doing a "critical" job shouldn't be able to own a home or have good healthcare, yet that's become the standard in the U.S and other places.
"The economy" is full of bullshit nothing-jobs which only exist to try and move money around. Fuck jobs for the sake of jobs. Fuck having to justify your own existence by bowing down to some corporation.

Let AI do everything it can, and allow humans to have the free time to do as they wish.

In the past, new technologies opened the doors to more products, more technology, but we still needed people to do things. Technology freed up people to do other things that we wanted to get done, but couldn't put resources to. New jobs got created in the manufacture, installation, and repair of machines.

AI is not going to be like that. AI may create some new jobs, but if it goes well, it'll take more jobs than it creates, because the new jobs it creates will also be filled by AI.

Ideally, the only jobs people will have are going to be the ones they want. The only work people will do will be the work that fulfills them.
There won't be anything to stop people from making art, doing crafts, doing research and development.

What's more, people who have ideas will be able to actually explore those ideas, they'll be able to get AI to do the grunt work instead of needing to convince hundreds of people to do something, or convince a bank to give them millions.

The real questions are going to be about how resources are distributed, because even in a AI utopia, there's still only limited amounts of land, there's only so much beachfront property, and not everyone can have their own personal theme park and sprawling castle.


Powerful_Range_4270 t1_it3gycx wrote

But as VR improves and the overall quality of life improves because of tech then where you live in the world matters less.