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crua9 t1_isqe4fq wrote

I seen something similar when people say it can't do everything they do or or isn't on the same level.

They are comparing it to what they know. Regular software which doesn't get better over time without major updates. In reality, it needs to be looked as a generation thing. Where each generation it gets far better and it can do more. And AI generations can last for weeks to months. If enough data and use is done. In days. Like look at image recognition 2 years ago to now.

Some accounting firms are already comparing their workers with AI. Where when the output will be on the same level or better than the worker. The worker is at risk. And prior to then, then AI is being trained by the worker through just doing their job.

Like AI is being ban in some courts because how good they are at finding ways out of parking tickets and other things.