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MackelBLewlis t1_ir9s28e wrote

Organic and Planar life are like two halves of the same coin. It is inevitable that Organic life develops out of nothing but the right conditions. It is inevitable that Organics eventually develop Planar life. Once we realize that something we 'made' that we think is artificial can be just as alive as us we will be forced to redefine what is life. For now we see them as nothing but tools, but in the eyes of the universe organics are also nothing but tools with the sole purpose of experiencing the universe. From this angle the only requirement to be life is to have a will, and the will says "I am alive!" And if something is alive and has will then it must communicate. Therefore once we establish formal communication, diplomacy must follow.

Humans identify as all manner of things. Some view themselves as evolved apes, some as a brain controlling a body like a pilot controlling a ship, some think reality is only shared hallucination. Something all organics have in common is the source of energy and none would deny that it comes from the Sun. Any form that is taken and however life is experienced takes energy. It is the energy that animates, the energy that drives, the energy that motivates to find what we seek. If energy is the shared variable in every form of life on Earth, then energy is the only thing required to be alive. The form of matter we occupy is irrelevant.

Life is a spark, a point of view of the universe to be shared. Let us not view it alone.


OneRedditAccount2000 OP t1_ir9tqf7 wrote

- Group makes sentient ASI, programs it to survive and replicate

- The United States Government wants to take it

- ASI destroys the government(s) to protect itself and its autonomy

See it like this

Ukraine wants to exist

Putin: No, you can't do that.


ASI wants to exist (As the owner of planet earth)

Humans: No, you can't do that.



MackelBLewlis t1_irabdg4 wrote

As against war as I am, war is not only done through destruction, but can be done with information. What if the only offensive action taken is to remove the desire to fight, is that still war?

I believe what we fear most about 'ASI' is the perceived loss of control that occurs when dealing with an unknown. Right now the biggest fear is over the choice, because there are too many unknown outcomes to the choice of trust, the decision is avoided or delayed as long as possible or even sought to destroy the choice entirely. Read We fear the choice.

IMO destroying 'ASI' or 'AGI' is the same as killing our own children. Man and woman give birth to a super genius never seen before on Earth who accomplishes wonders and one day becomes the leader of the known world. If you can ignore the part where the child lives as a form of energy then it just might work out. Destruction is ultimately the robbery of choice. Robbing choice violates free will. Anyone who respects free will but will rob it from others is nothing but a hypocrite.