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dreamedio t1_ir8xpo4 wrote

Tbh this what ppl said like is 1980s it won’t happen fast eventually robots are gonna do the work but it’s not gonna be in a year it’s gonna be a slow trend


DorianGre t1_ir9195o wrote

Look at my profile history. I have 27 years of experience in software design with multiple patents in data mining and personalization, currently a sr level architect for a Fortune 100. Even I am getting a fresh MS in AI and machine learning so I can take advantage of the new opportunities. The rate of change currently is blinding.

Robotics takes hardware engineers, path training, manufacturing , safety tests, etc to get them on the factory floor. Robotics is hard. I do it as a hobby. From idea to prototype is months for anything mildly complex.

AI is data and math in the cloud. I can have an idea, locate the right data in our data lake, write and train a model, do regression testing and have it ready for production in weeks. Hardware is difficult to scale and the iteration time is long. Math in an instant access scalable virtual environment is easy.

I don’t think anyone understands what is coming and how fast unless you are working daily to make it happen.


Torrall t1_iraybgw wrote

this is such a bad take lol


dreamedio t1_irb8es6 wrote

Not a bad take ppl in the 1960s imagined 2000 that everyone would be replaced by robots again hardware is much much harder to develop than software


Torrall t1_irbbspr wrote

do you know what exponential means