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mcfluffy0451 t1_ir3uq0f wrote

I think it will be many years before AI can create feature length movies. Right now, it can create these small basic but kinda creative short videos. It will take a while for the tech to develop to make everything smooth, to make it high quality, and to make a lot of details like in an ordinary movie. Plus, i imagine it will be a lot of computing power in order to create these full length movies. So i guess it'll be years before AI can do this.

But that's just creating them. What about the actual artistry/story/characters of the film?

Actors will probably license out their likeness eventually, but there will always be an underground scene using their likeness anyway. It will be akin to piracy today. Huge numbers of people do it. But there will be those individuals, companies and governments that will want to go the legal and official way when creating stuff and so will license out the likeness. They'll do it because it's the legal way but they'll also frame it as helping to pay actors/give them work (the actors will probably hire themselves out to help fine tune their likeness for each individual paid product) because the AI will have shortened the acting industry and put a lot of actors out of work.

The AI films in the near future will need to be directed. It might be decades before AI can self-direct good films on their own. People are saying we're only years away from this, but i think we're much further away. The AI would need to be sophisticated enough in technology and artistry, and also be creatively adept enough, which i think is so far away, because it takes a much longer time to put "soul" into how an AI acts. To put the human element in it. To put the genuine creativity and structuring of a story and themes and characters and arcs.

With all the directing duties an individual or team will be able to do when AI can make full length movies, in re-arranging and crafting all the elements of the film and story, i think it will still take a while to do. But the movie making process will be much shorter and easier, and the results will be far better in the hands of capable story tellers and filmmakers. Being absorbed in the easy and simple process of directing the movie with AI and all the details, and it would be especially immersive if you were creating it in VR. Imagine being directly in the movie and sculping everything as you look around, saying voice commands to the AI in how you want a scene to happen, describing the backgrounds and character actions.

Or you can teleport to any scene in your movie and start making changes. Create any sound effect or music you want. Create any sci-fi or fantasy world and sculp it with as much realism as you want. Make spaceships flying through the universe in seconds. The long term possibilities are truly incredible. But how long will it take for us to get there?

Full control like that i feel is like at least 10 years away. And AI creating it's own good movies much later.

I remember when modern VR first came out around 2014 with the Oculus Rift on kickstarter. It was a view into a whole new world, and we of course expected the technology to get better over time and become mainstream. I mean it's literally virtual reality, for real. But in reality, the tech has improved slowly, and hasn't become mainstream yet, and it's been 8 years since the release of the Oculus Rift, and we're still in the beginning stages.

What's interesting about predictions of future technology, is that we're often surprised at what happens, as it goes in directions we didn't expect. And areas advance faster than others. For me and i think a lot of people, we didn't even think much about AI in regards to artworks, yet in the past month it's taken us by storm, and though it's not mainstream yet, i feel like it's quickly working it's way towards that, especially for those in the art world. For years there was always discussions about AI taking jobs, and the discussions were always around jobs that weren't about art, and then the AI improvements have turned the table upside and gone for artists as one of the first casualties. So it'll be interesting to see how AI continues to advance.

In regards to video and movies, creators can only make very basic stuff right now. I still love it in a way, the earliest experimental steps with this technology, and it's quaint and new. But when creators can full make their visions come to life with the help of this technology, then i think we will see content that is better than most if not all of what has gone before. Because of the sheer freedom of creativity and potential that creators will have because of this technology. The stories and character arc will be incredible, whether it's original or something remade. Deeper and longer character arcs and stories of classic characters will be possible. All different kinds of filiming styles too.

It should be right, that the next generation of humanity surpasses the previous one. So should it be with art, as we surpass the art that has gone previously. To continue helping and forwarding the advancement of humanity. Because it's also that, most of us are going to die eventually, maybe all of us, and our art that remains won't matter to us because we'll be dead, and we need to make room for the art of future artists for their world. There's already an insane amount of art of all varities floating around the world. It's already a congested quagmire. Paintings, movies, tv shows, anime, video games. Past art shoudn't remain as pinnacles, but should only serve as a guide for us to surpass them. Future artists years, decades, centuries and millenia from now, millions and billions of them, will be born into a world which is ever more congested with people's art. They should aim to surpass it, to create better art and help advance humanity, themselves, and art itself.

That's my view on the sanctity of art. Fuck it.

In a way, i get wanting one's art to be sacred and one's own, and i feel that a lot myself. But i think we have to eventually adapt to an increasingly changing world. I want to tell stories, but i welcome when AI would eventually surpass me in telling them. That i could no longer make a living because the AI has taken my job. I welcome it, for greater creative expression now exists in the world and for everyone else, and i would focus more on my own personal pursuits, and seek a different career path should i choose.

We are in the midst of the AI art revolution. There's a new technology related to it being made every week it seems, and i am always impressed by the artwork people have made from it.

I've seen both sides of the discussions when it comes to artists. Some embracing the technology, some adapting, some angry, some sad, some fearing. I understand the fear about the threat of this AI technology and it eventually coming for their job, and they have a right to fear it. But what can you do? No one can stop the advancement of technology.

Once this becomes mainstream, some governments may try to ban it, because of all the copyright complexities and deep fakes of people complexities, but that won't stop it. It will continue underground and eventually force itself back into public view but it will be unstoppable this time because of it's widespread use and how powerful the technology is. Plus, not every world government will ban it, and that government and it's people will use it and have an advantage, and the governments that banned it will see that and then combined with the other reasons i mentioned, will unban it so as not to have a disadvantage when it comes to other countries. So maybe governments in the first place won't ban it because of those reasons.