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mutantbeings t1_jedckxq wrote

I think we would be foolish to assume it is only taking jobs and not creating plenty too.

Especially at this early stage when its so incredibly unreliable or outright lying to people.

The only stories I'm seeing so far in the tech industry is the massive inefficiencies and problems people relying on this tech are causing for companies right now, in particular a lot of support teams are hiring for a lot of new roles to deal with the suddenly hugely increased volume of chatGPT-created problems they're now having to deal with.

eg "chatGPT told me your product does X but I can't work out how" "Well, chatGPT is wrong, our product DOESN'T do that, not even close" is apparently a HUGE issue in tech support teams right now that didn't really exist at such scale before.


luisbrudna t1_jee0kxh wrote

Will create one job for every 10 destroyed.


mutantbeings t1_jee634h wrote

Maybe eventually but I suspect the reality at this early stage is the opposite


boreddaniel02 t1_jedwd3l wrote

I think it's foolish to assume that it would create any jobs.


mutantbeings t1_jee6g4q wrote

Did you write that before you read to the end of my comment or something?


boreddaniel02 t1_jee8vh5 wrote

Yes, it doesn't make sense. You're telling me that ChatGPT is being used to substitute tech support teams but there are still people required for tech support?


mutantbeings t1_jee97nx wrote

No, tech support teams are dealing with floods of chatGPT spam that’s telling people inaccurate things about their products. At scale this is a MASSIVE inefficiency introduced by unreliable LLMs and without a shadow of a doubt is creating jobs right now