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sumane12 t1_je6jgw8 wrote

Remember, you're judging this based on people who are dieing in their 80s today, think about what life was like 60 years ago when they were in their 20s, open coal fires, smoking and passive smoking, little to no understanding of health and fitness (general population), little to no health and safety at work regulations, little to no enforcement of FDA regulations, little to no understanding of the effects of alcohol, obesity etc. Not to mention the effect of caloric restriction, intermittent fasting, Metformin, yamanaka factors, resveratrol, these will have a compounding effect to the point I believe anyone born 1980s+ will probably have an average life span closer to 100 than 80. That's assuming no further medical advancements between now and then.


civilrunner t1_je6js9y wrote

I agree. No one knows their life expectancy until well they're as old as their life expectancy (whatever it ends up being).