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sumane12 t1_je4n03c wrote

"And since your going to live forever, you can pay that off over 100 years at 12 grand per year"

I'd take that deal all the live long day.


ShadowRazz t1_je5q001 wrote

You will have to work every day in the mines of Mars. Toiling day and night, never sleeping, subsisting on Nutrapaste rations and recycled urine water. If you ever stop working the nanobots in your bloodstream, controlled by the mining corporation, will accelerate your aging until you comply.


sumane12 t1_je5r4z9 wrote

😂 love this, might include it in a new dystopian drama


Xbot391 t1_je4trj5 wrote

Off of what income? 😥


sumane12 t1_je4uid9 wrote

Either UBI, or what my AI pet will make for me. failing both of those ideas, 99.9% of the rest of the population will be in the same boat, so I'm looking at a world wide violent revolution, where we take the wealth created by AI for ourselves.

Third option is looking less and less likely by the day (most people actually want to look after others, and the democratisation of these technologies is forcing prices down), but I'm ready to fight for the survival of myself and family if necessary. I do believe abundance is not only possible, but exceedingly likely in the near term.


Xbot391 t1_je4uxqy wrote

I really hope you’re right. I’m 27 and pretty optimistic about reaching the point of LEV. I’m just worried I won’t be able to afford it since I’m not one of the 1%.