Submitted by NazmanJT t3_124vmto in singularity

There is a lot of focus on how once we have AGI with human level common sense then it will take a lot of white collar jobs. But does it need more than common sense is needed? I have been thinking about this ... will the below be needed too? and more?

Many human white collar jobs require "Company wide knowledge" to answer questions. How will AGI obtain proprietary company wide knowledge? Are we going to have AGI scanning all emails and scanning all meetings to gain this knowledge? How easy/difficult will this be to implement?

Even when AGI reaches human level common sense, humans need to trust it. For example banks won't be able to risk leaving bots in charge of big decisions until a trust level is reached. Will we have new jobs created that review AGI decisions? Also, I bet AGI will be held to a much higher accountability level than humans which increases the need for oversight.

Also, I also wonder about how difficult it will be for IT to integrate AGI into a lot of legacy systems. It won't be as easy as an add-on with many legacy systems. It will take years of UAT and devs for this to occur with many systems.



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acutelychronicpanic t1_je11gqq wrote

Several of these questions can be answered by watching the Copilot 365 demo. They will be using a database of some kind with all your company documents to inform the AI system.


NazmanJT OP t1_je13xcb wrote

Thanks, I'll watch the Copilot 365 demo. I'm not sure if AGI will be able to make decisions by just looking at the company procedures etc. I think it needs to see how company decisions are made, analyze historic decisions and also understand knowledge that is not documented in procedures etc. Surely this can only be achieved by scanning employee interactions.


acutelychronicpanic t1_je15hcf wrote

Well, I would think that companies would love nothing more than to hand Microsoft their employees' usage data to train them a fine-tuned model. At least at large enough companies.

As far as decisions, it doesn't have to make the. Just present the top 3 with citations of company policy along with its reasoning and the pros and cons. It can pretty much do this now with GPT4 if you feed it relevant info.


Loud_Clerk_9399 t1_je156x1 wrote

Most will be out of jobs within 3-4 years. Ubi is coming and everyone will be upper middle class


Practical-Bar8291 t1_je1969l wrote

I'd think you could cover the group think process with several AIs. Humans make better decisions when in a team of colleagues (for the most part). Collaboration is part of common sense, we can read the room and make a better decision. I don't see why it would be any different from a group of AIs doing the same.


czk_21 t1_je1mql8 wrote

FYI GPT-4 is already at human level commmon sense and above average intelligence(compared to human)

for example benchmark

both humans and GPT-4 score around 95

if AGI get access to company databases it should get that "Company wide knowledge"


pstmdrnsm t1_je1r291 wrote

I teach the severely disabled, students that have advanced Autism. Even as I try to write this, I am not sure I can even fully explain what makes a good worker in this intense environment. It is a unique combination of traits and not everyone who tries can do it. It may be unquantifiable, but I believe it takes a lot of empathy and unconditional love, the ability to work in gray areas.


No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_je1yvlu wrote

The usual onboarding process I'm familiar with is a combination of reading and listening. Plus, doing a basic project to understand how everything works. Obviously the prerequisite is some general technical knowledge otherwise all the jargon would be a mystery. But if AGI has this and the ability to listen and read, what else would it require? I mean, AGI doesn't go on holidays. It doesn't need to rest. It can learn and ask for information without feeling embarrassed or upset. Having no ego has its benefits. Oh yeah it does help to actually be able to physically manipulate objects because no one is going to open doors for you at work.