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sfmasterpiece t1_jeeubxg wrote

Protip: If your model is clearly more capable, you shouldn't need to tell everyone.

You should be able to show them.


YobaiYamete t1_jegi7zb wrote

But you don't understand, I'm only pretending to completely sabotage my AI until it's useless in the name of "ethics"!

It's my responsibility as a billion dollar company to decide that he peasants can't handle an AI that can write literotica when asked or knows what maryjuwana is, so I have to make sure I have no viable product while I accomplish that goal!!


challengethegods t1_jef3y1p wrote

"we have stuff you wouldn't even believe in the basement! Don't worry, we'll be deciding on a date to announce an upcoming event with an announcement about a possible upcoming waitlist for people to try a test version of one of the things we're willing to show in a sandbox, soon(TM)"

meanwhile at microsoft
"fuck it - we'll do it live!"


fnordstar t1_jefjvmg wrote

Well it wasn't Microsoft before they bought it right.


shmoculus t1_jegpjx0 wrote

You have to admire the way they were willing to flip the table, if they didn't nerf bing they could have dethroned google relatively quickly


TFenrir t1_jeeku3t wrote

Looks like switching to PaLM based Bard will be happening soon, but even if that improves base capabilities (it will), there needs to be more than just a base model improvement. Integration into ecosystems that are cropping up is also essential, things like plugins, and more


grimorg80 t1_jeem150 wrote

Honestly. I demand an AI embedded in Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, and Google Ads, that can access all at once and give me answers from there. Or help me set up the damn triggers and events on GTM.

There are so many crazy useful use cases on day zero, I'm annoyed they haven't done it yet.


Wavesignal OP t1_jeehd7z wrote

Other interesting bits from the full transcript

Sundar on personalized assistants

> But I think, wow. Yeah, can it be a very, very powerful assistant for you? I think yes. Anybody at work who works with a personal assistant, you know how life changing it is. But now imagine bringing that power in the context of every person’s day-to-day lives. That is a real potential we are talking about here. And so I think it’s very profound.

> And so we’re all working on that. And again, we have to get it right. But those are the possibilities. Getting everyone their own personalized model, something that really excites me, in some ways, this is what we envisioned when we were building Google Assistant. But we have the technology to actually do those things now.

Sundar on AGI and AI safety

> It is so clear to me that these systems are going to be very, very capable. And so it almost doesn’t matter whether you’ve reached AGI or not. You’re going to have systems which are capable of delivering benefits at a scale we have never seen before and potentially causing real harm.

> So can we have an AI system which can cost disinformation at scale? Yes. Is it AGI? It really doesn’t matter. Why do we need to worry about AI safety? Because you have to anticipate this and evolve to meet that moment. And so today, we do a lot of things with AI people have taken it for granted.


hydraofwar t1_jef52df wrote

The AI ​​skeptics will be the ones who will be constantly saying that the current era's AI is not human level, they will say that even if we have 100% autonomous general purpose robots, then Sundar's claim could be right that it doesn't matter whether that is or it's not AGI


postscarce t1_jegnpav wrote

"Getting everyone their own personalized model" sounds awesome, but I don't have a lot of faith in that happening any time soon. YouTube's algorithm hasn't figured out I don't want sports videos in my feed no matter how many times I tell it I'm "Not Interested". That would be peanuts compared to the personalization he's talking about.


gektq t1_jeevqpx wrote

Ship it or zip it


Antonskarp t1_jefbyjv wrote

It blows my mind that that is people think the currently released Bard is the best they can do. They're the ones who invented the tech. GPT is based on a Google research paper from 6 Years ago.

Remember that Google had to fire one of their engineers because he believed their AI was conscious. That was a year ago. If they have computer scientists being fooled by their internal tech, it seems obvious to me that you can't roll it out to consumers.


Sigma_Atheist t1_jefx9x8 wrote

Not many, if any, of the researchers who wrote "Attention is All You Need" are still at Google. I believe one or two are at OpenAI as well.


darkkite t1_jeg4eey wrote

I think only one of the authors still works at Google

but I would still put raw engineering of google over open ai but google has problems in execution and maintaing


shmoculus t1_jegr2jc wrote

I think google is full of smart engineers but terrible product managers, their products generally suck to use (Angular, Tensorflow etc) and they cancel a lot of them. The culture is a bit broken there.


hydraofwar t1_jeh4jdg wrote

I know one of those involved in that article is now part of


shmoculus t1_jegqw0h wrote

I think people have this vision that Google is very capable and but the Emperor may actually have no clothes ...

No doubt their research is top tier (note that until now they didn't even merge their AI labs), but that is very different to releasing AI products. They could have released numerous products in this space, but they didn't.

Only now that they are forced to are they even trying and woe and behold they were unprepared. They got complacent and underdog sucker punched them to attention. Microsoft may have got lucky with their particular bet on AI but they are pushing very hard and it's great to see some competition.

I hope Google bring their A game but they have to beat Bing and GPT4 on price, quality and ecosystem, that may be quite challenging event with their resources


phillythompson t1_jefllf3 wrote

“Babe I promise it’ll be worth it, just trust me. I promise. I can’t show you the present, but I promise I got you one.”


dr_doug_exeter t1_jeffswg wrote

If they're serious about this the FIRST thing they need to do, right now, is change the stupid name. Nobody wants to be reminded of the middle-ages when they're using cutting-edge technology. Name it something cool and futuristic, not fucking "Bard".


AdditionalPizza t1_jefrnpi wrote

The code name "Gemini" that they're currently using actually seems pretty appropriate to me.


visarga t1_jefgdew wrote

People affectionately call it "Brad"


Adapid t1_jeflfx5 wrote

speak for yourself bud. i love the name


fnordstar t1_jefjeev wrote

This isn't even my final form.


No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_jefogib wrote

I hope that they beat GPT 4. And hopefully they have something better than the prompt paradigm. IDK exactly how that would work, but I imagine some sort of UI to give hints.


Nervous-Newt848 t1_jeft4d3 wrote

They need to put ads in the chat window to make money off it


Wavesignal OP t1_jeg1df4 wrote

I think they are already working on it, one comment on my profile shows a pic from today's Bard update having a link to a product placement, which I haven't seen before


Focused-Joe t1_jeg42la wrote

Google Cloud platform is amazing place for developers .even better then azure and AWS. I don't know what are they waiting with integrating AI in Google platforn


kjm6351 t1_jegkckk wrote

I’ve been trying it out and so far it’s hella fun


snowbirdnerd t1_jefg1en wrote

I haven't been too pleased with Bard. It wasn't as easy to get the answers I wanted from it.


Akimbo333 t1_jefjtwf wrote

Interesting but my expectations are low


Focused-Joe t1_jeg4d4a wrote

Sundar Pichai reached his dead end. He is ready to go and replaced with somebody better


agorathird t1_jeg6pr4 wrote

*Nods head* uh-huh. Who at Google is getting copium lines from this sub?


Cr4zko t1_jegjcbc wrote

AI will be our god.


luisbrudna t1_jega3uh wrote

They should be getting the Bard interaction data. And they are realizing the fiasco.


luisbrudna t1_jegakq0 wrote

Google needs to know that NOW is the time to test the best possible model. Precisely for it to be slaughtered like ChatGPT was in the early days. We are here to test. Let early adopters try it out.


Cr4zko t1_jegig1k wrote

If you did you would have used them.