Submitted by __god_bless_you_ t3_125r4ac in singularity


My friend, a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Oxford and an MSc graduate from Cambridge, and I (a Backend Engineer), started a reading club where we go through 20 research papers that cover 80% of what matters today

Our goal is to read one paper a week, then meet to discuss it and share knowledge, and insights and keep each other accountable, etc.

I shared it with a few friends and was surprised by the high interest to join.

So I decided to invite you guys to join us as well.

We are looking for ML enthusiasts that want to join our reading clubs (there are already 3 groups).

The concept is simple - we have a discord that hosts all of the โ€œreadersโ€ and I split all readers (by their background) into small groups of 6, some of them are more active (doing additional exercises, etc it depends on you.), and some are less demanding and mostly focus on reading the papers.

As for prerequisites, I think its recommended to have at least BSC in CS or equivalent knowledge and the ability to read scientific papers in English.


If any of you are interested to join please comment below,

And if you have any suggestions feel free to let me know


Some of the articles on our list:

  • Attention is all you need
  • BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
  • A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks
  • Mastering the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Search
  • Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations


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kirbyi123 t1_je5z6sv wrote

Could a hobbyist join to just listen. Many of the research paper are a little over my head. I would love to listen and learn from those with more experience.


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je61swf wrote

Yeah why not But just warning you that we tend to dive deep into it


funfight22 t1_je6d1j6 wrote

As a hobbyist, I would also like to observe, technical discussions are more interesting than they have a right to be. At the very least, a list of the papers to read on my own would be appreciated.


EnigmaticHam t1_je64lf7 wrote

Cool, most of my experience is in training custom image classification models and deploying on Azure. I would love to listen in.


DollarStoreMikeBurry t1_je64rru wrote

yeah I would definitely be down! i've been thinking about starting something like this myself too, looks like you guys beat me to it lol


zeychelles t1_je65nuy wrote

May I join even tho Iโ€™m incredibly stupid and Iโ€™m just a hobbyist? Iโ€™d love to listen!


PlanetExperience t1_je66rl5 wrote

Another hobbyist who would consider it an honor to hear the thoughts of technical professionals regarding the subject.


Puzzleheaded-Owl1695 t1_je66sa4 wrote

Count me in brother but hope it isn't necessary to join session all the time because we never know when some urgent house or ofc work comes up, if it's fine by you count me in โœŒ๏ธ


Puzzleheaded-Owl1695 t1_je66xh4 wrote

Also Great Initiative instead of just swiping reels and wasting time on social media people can make some real good friends with great minds too ๐Ÿ‘


Toasterstyle70 t1_je6bl4q wrote

I would love to join! I donโ€™t know anything though!


reibradbury t1_je6f3dw wrote

Hello! Iโ€™m interested, would I be able to get the discord invite?


WarProfessional3278 t1_je6mjh0 wrote

I like the idea but you guys should really update that to-read list. Most of these papers are made obsolete in the last year or this.


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je6oj3r wrote

I disagree. And these are only a few of 20 in our list. We curated it very carefully :)

But I would be happy to hear suggestions for specific papers you aware of


WarProfessional3278 t1_je6y0xm wrote

RLHF, sparks of AGI, or emergent in LLM.

The papers listed here are important foundational works that are outdated and improved beyond recognition by current sota.


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je8lpe6 wrote

Sparks of AGI is in the list and I think the other two as well.
Let me check these out and get back to you!

We are flexible and willing to change if necessary


BidValuable7060 t1_je6uyv0 wrote

Would love to join. Pls send me the details


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je8lj9v wrote

Hi man! Sorry for not responding right away Iโ€™m trying my best to answer everyone.
I DM you the details


notaremus t1_je6wx9z wrote



__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je8lkn4 wrote

Hi man! Sorry for not responding right away Iโ€™m trying my best to answer everyone.
I DM you the details


SkyTemple77 t1_je6x56x wrote

Hi, I would love to join this group!


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je8lld0 wrote

Hi man! Sorry for not responding right away Iโ€™m trying my best to answer everyone.
I DM you the details


Scarlet_pot2 t1_je72830 wrote

I'm interested in listening! I'm a software dev student with a basic/minimal understanding of ML and AI


gggggggggg5525 t1_je7x4l2 wrote

Chatgpt4 already gave me 10 bullet points of each paper you were going to read, what good is your opinion?

Also say no to commies


CorrectAssistance461 t1_je8rbu3 wrote

Hi i am interest, just few days back starts taking interest in ML, This would he the great way to learn Please take me in


Desi___Gigachad t1_je9omgu wrote

I'm a hobbyist but I'm interested :)


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je9sqlk wrote

Hi, I am a bit overwhelmed by all the messages.
I posted a comment with the google link.
Please go there for more details =)


sguth22 t1_je9ttl8 wrote

Im starting my career in Data Science and would benefit by reading and hearing more advanced people on the subject. Could I Join?


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_je9x15c wrote

Sure . Happy to have you onboard !! Please search for my comment with the google form link :)


kotlin_devs t1_jeafyvw wrote

Hey, I just filled out the Google form . When can I expect a response ?


__god_bless_you_ OP t1_jeb7ehm wrote

Awesome! Iโ€™m trying to answer everyone, but it will help a lot if you could search for my comment with the google form and signups through it