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Smellz_Of_Elderberry t1_jdibox6 wrote

The issue is accountability. If a doctor gives a bad diagnosis, you can sue them and receive some kind of recompense. Who takes responsibility when the ai amputates both your legs, when all you have is a leg cramp?


SoylentRox t1_jdimr5l wrote

Sue the doctor using AI. For essentially as far as we can imagine, a human doctor will still be on paper the one practicing medicine. They are just using AI as a tool to be more productive.

As the AI gets stronger and stronger the human does less and less, as the AI itself has a confidence level that with the right software algorithms can be extremely accurate. So the human doctor let's AI do it all for the cases where the AI is very confident.

Because many AIs will check anything done for you, this accidental amputation is unlikely, and most suits are going to fail because exact records of their AI reasoning and wha rit new are kept. So you can just see in the logs the AI did everything possible and picked the highest success probability treatment.