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Veleric t1_jeexx36 wrote

I think Noam Chomsky might murder you if he read this ;)


IntroVertu OP t1_jeeygqq wrote

Don't know him but he is 94 years old. I should make it out alive.

Can you explain why ?


Veleric t1_jeezuqn wrote

He's one of the world's most renowned persons regarding linguistics. He's also expressed strong negative opinions on AI in general. It was just a lighthearted joke, but worth looking into. He's done a video interviews/panels on AI recently. I think he's mistaken in many regards on this topic, but still interesting to hear his viewpoints.


IntroVertu OP t1_jef1pqj wrote

I saw the video and I think he was never too interested in AI because his speech is confused. But at the same time he's 94 years old, it's kind of normal.


FoniksMunkee t1_jefeik0 wrote

I think you should go read some of his books. You might learn something.