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Slow-Schedule-7725 t1_japi03f wrote

well you may not have personally experienced them, but you inevitably will have thoughts and opinions and memories in reaction to the experiences in the book and, as a result, emotions. all these happen without your knowledge or effort and will, in some way, inform how you go about your life after reading said book. even if you haven’t personally “experienced” the specific events in the book, what you hAVE experienced will inform your reaction to and opinion of the event(s). experience is uniquely and wholly different from inference and you can’t compare human inference to machine inference- we simply don’t know enough about the human mind to do so, however, what we do know is every single experience in one’s life somehow informs every inference that we make, which, at this current moment and as far as i know, is impossible for a machine as it cannot “experience” the way we can.


wisintel t1_japj0au wrote

How do you, this lady writing about octopuses or anyone else “know” that. No one knows how consciousness works. No one really understands how LLMs convert training data into answers. So how can anyone say so definitively what is or isn’t happening. I understand different people have different opinions and some people believe that chatgpt is just a stochastic parrot. I can accept anyone having this opinion, I get frustrated when people state this opinion as fact. The fact is no one knows for sure at the moment.


ShowerGrapes t1_jar15jt wrote

what if it experiences emotion similar to a vary autistic human would? like maybe it's unable to process thses emotions (right now) and so looks like it has none.