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FaceDeer t1_jefaetx wrote

Feel free to decay and die while maintaining your sense of superiority, I suppose.


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_jefakno wrote

Thank you, and you too. People ought to live on through their works and their children, not clinging desperately to their own pleasures.

No forever kings.


FaceDeer t1_jeffyil wrote

You can live however you like, I won't stop you. What you're doing is trying to tell me how I should live - or more specifically, that I should die - and that's not acceptable.

If a murderer turned up at your door with a shotgun and informed you that it was time for you to stop "clinging to your own pleasures", and that no more of your works were needed for you to "live on" in their opinion, would you just sigh and accept your fate?


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_jefyy4i wrote

Acceptable or not - immortality is a terrible idea, on a personal, societal, and species level. You definitely should die. Everyone should.

Your analogy falls flat - murder isn't a natural cause of death. Cell death is. It is something you will experience. We all will. And that's all right.

There's no such thing as immortality. Resources aren't infinite, so it can't be for everyone. The sun is going to burn out at some point. The universe is going to go cold at some point. You will - sooner or even much, much later - die. The problem becomes how many others have to die prematurely to support a few semi-immortal rich folks. Inequality is a problem now. I don't think we ought to be leveraging tech to make it worse.


FaceDeer t1_jeg6zzv wrote

> You definitely should die.

You saw that, officer, it was self defence.

> Your analogy falls flat - murder isn't a natural cause of death.

Ever been in the hospital for appendicitis? Taking any medications, perhaps?

I refer you to the Fable of the Dragon-Tyrant.

> There's no such thing as immortality. Resources aren't infinite, so it can't be for everyone.

I'll live forever or die trying. If you want to give up immediately, I guess that's your perogative.


Moist_Chemistry1418 t1_jefbz84 wrote

so cute, but go away from our goals, thank you again


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_jefched wrote



Moist_Chemistry1418 t1_jefcn8r wrote

i mean we aren't friends, just get out of our ways and that it. parasite


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_jefdbre wrote

The guy who feels like he should live forever is the parasite.


FaceDeer t1_jeffhsk wrote

Why do you think people would stop living productive and fulfilling lives if they're immortal?


SucksToYourAssmar3 t1_jefz3r6 wrote

I don't think they're living productive and fulfilling lives RIGHT NOW, let alone thousands of years from now. And there's no way to gauge who "should" live will go to whomever has the most money. And that metric isn't working so great in our current society.


FaceDeer t1_jeg6i2a wrote

> And there's no way to gauge who "should" live forever

So you've decided that nobody should. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgment.