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PhysicalChange100 t1_jaf13ni wrote

>Drugs and video games are poison

You must be a very fun person.

>I struggle with this life every day

I wonder why?

>wondering if I should not be more successful. Letting go of the drive for success is the hardest thing for a man

There it is, How to live a miserable life bingo! Work hard like a horse for some idea of success, and cling to your pride like it's making you alive!

>Eventually we will all end up in this kind of life, AI offers that escape after 100,000 years of brutal survival

Finally a statement that you made that I can actually agree with, well done.

>there are always those who want to limit the amount of people that make it

Assholes always existed. Its not a novel idea.

>no people on the beach makes it boring, a healthy number of people makes it a hot spot, but too many people makes it crowded.

Sure dude, you're the arbiter on what's boring or fun, your previous statements proved that.

>I suspect 90% of people won't make it.

I suspect that if 90% of people actually made it, you would lose it because you worked yourself to death for some abstract idea of success while others actually had time to relax and have fun.