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GayHitIer t1_j7wfol0 wrote

ad hominem, also not everybody on this sub believes in some utopian salvation.

Most people here are quite realistic about the dangers that ASI poses.

Also why post this to a sub where you know it's gonna be biased towards sooner than later?

If you truly knew that from the start why post this post unto this sub?


Silicon-Dreamer t1_j7wt93d wrote

(I'm one of the people who believes the singularity is coming within my lifetime, before 2060 as a majority of experts believe, and that it will have a large positive impact)

That said, the post doesn't feel directed against me as a person, just directed against my position.

> ad ho·mi·nem

> (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining.

Isn't there value in thinking about why we maintain our positive outlooks on AI development? (My reasoning, to be fair, stems largely from being abnormally healthy enough to estimate that I could easily live to see 2060, even without modifications).


EulersApprentice t1_j7yuny6 wrote

If you want to be precise you can probably call it poisoning the well instead.