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Cryptizard t1_j9otoix wrote

This sub seems to attract a hugely disproportionate number of people with mental health disorders.


fractal_engineer t1_j9ow52n wrote

And zealots that have replaced religion and heaven with the singularity and live forever technology


Mokebe890 t1_j9p52m7 wrote

Thats the goal, isnt it?


Gym_Vex t1_j9p5p4x wrote

No religiosity is not a part of the singularity :/ worshiping AI and tech is not healthy for anyone also it’s kinda cringe


dasnihil t1_j9p8m6u wrote

thank you, mofos here make me cringe all day but i guess my coping mechanism is to come here and cringe at other people's coping mechanisms lol. that's cringey too, but i'm this close to getting over this singularity hype and leaving this sub. i'm sane and coherent and want to stay that way, esp when AGI overlords come to harvest us soon.


Mokebe890 t1_j9p9dxs wrote

The second part not the first, should had put the /s


IM_INSIDE_YOUR_HOUSE t1_j9p1pvz wrote

This sub, /r/preppers, basically any sub with an undertone of doomsaying will always attract the mentally unwell.


Fuzzers t1_j9p38jm wrote

Yeah what the hell happened. I like coming here to read articles about advancements in AI, not quasi religious zealots picketing for the end of the mankind.


GPT-5entient t1_j9p3bhj wrote

Not even in top 100 crazy subs in my opinion. Have you checked r/collapse, r/conspiracy or many, many others? Yeah, lately this sub got a bit too popular thanks yo ChatGPT, etc., but there are a lot crazier subs. Even r/Futurology is a doomer central now.


povlov0987 t1_j9oxbia wrote

And rich teens who can’t even wipe their own asses


maskedpaki t1_j9p13ad wrote

yuli ban has a decent track record of predictions from what ive seen.

not sure if he has mental health issues.


Cr4zko t1_j9p3sop wrote

Yudkowsky was it. If you go on less er... savory parts of the internet (read as Kiwi Farms/Encyclopedia Dramatica or any other forum ran by an edgy 15 year old on his mother's basement which I might not know of) and surprisingly you'll get an eye-opening biography on the guy from the late 90s from today. Dude's basically a cult leader. Just ignore all of the politics and the racism and you'll get the picture.