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depressedpotato0001 t1_ja6c0qc wrote

Of course, but does Stability.AI has any plans of opening a studio? Or is someone licensing this tech for anything at the moment or financing other diffusion models?

All I see is this, enthusiasts and some content creators playing with it, not enough scale to call for the singularity yet.


Nukemouse t1_ja6qfck wrote

All it really takes is one investor to look at that corridor digital video and think "NEW TECHNOLOGY SILICON VALLEY DISRUPTION MONEY" and we will see those companies begin arising. Even before one produces anything, competitors will arise simply because they saw some other investor do it.


Plus-Recording-8370 t1_jaaasjf wrote

No, investors do already see these things. It's just that the studios will tell them that this is not how it works.