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Ragondux t1_j9e9cke wrote

We hate Nazis because of the choices they made. If an NPC was created a Nazi for your enjoyment, he didn't make any choice, it's not his fault.


[deleted] t1_j9e9rd2 wrote



turnip_burrito t1_j9ea3st wrote

To me a created Nazi (even in a video game) and a naturally developed one, if both sentient, would get the same treatment.


turnip_burrito t1_j9e9ne5 wrote

I don't believe in creating unnecessary suffering, even if it is a Nazi. Retributive approaches to justice are cruel, I believe.

I'd want to rehabilitate them ideally, or move them to a place where they are unproblematic.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_j9ew7g5 wrote

There were similar discussions when Sniper Elite 5 came out. All of the Nazi soldiers had back stories. You could view a little blurb about them by focusing on them for a few seconds.

Some were "Hanz was too rough with prisoners, so they put him on guard duty" and some were "Franz wants to get out of the war and go raise dogs".

Players were saying "I view everyone, and kill the bad guys." And some said "They're all Nazis, they're all bad guys." And some said "Some of them were conscripted in to the war."

But at the end of the day, they're Nazis, so they get a bullet in the brain.