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No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_j9xfrml wrote

OpenAI is just trying to generate hype now. This could mean that they need to find more investors. When companies start doing that l, it usually is bluff. They probably realised that getting good clean data is going to get exponentially harder. So they have to pay humans to help them acquire the data somehow.


Puzzleheaded_Pop_743 t1_j9yn3fa wrote

I disagree with this theory. Microsoft has put so much money into OpenAI I struggle to see how they would need more money now.


9985172177 t1_j9yxd4s wrote

There is no end to how much money they need. How often have the richest people in the world said they don't need more? They get into that position by never having enough.


Class-Concious7785 t1_ja03mu5 wrote

> How often have the richest people in the world said they don't need more? They get into that position by never having enough.

Except that is greed, rather than a genuine need for more money


9985172177 t1_ja2nelc wrote

Yes, that's the principle that companies like openai run on though. For them there is no such thing as a "struggle to see how they would need more".


Puzzleheaded_Pop_743 t1_ja2opqx wrote

There is such thing as hippie CEOs. Not all heads of companies are greedy. The culture and values of the people working at a company shape that company's values.


9985172177 t1_ja8217x wrote

The people behind openai specifically are not hippie CEOs though. Usually the hippie CEOs spawn up independently, kind of from their own bubbles. Openai came out of the same hyper-growth venture capital world as facebook, airbnb, ycombinator, and others. And it's not that it was made by some founders that then went through accelerator programs, it was founded and pre-funded by those executives. That's why it's so weird that people are celebrating that aspect of it.


gaudiocomplex t1_j9yelro wrote

I would say they don't need investor exposure right now. Any AGI conversations they wanted to have with top level investors could easily be reserved to private pitch decks, etc. This is just reactionary PR of an immature company, most likely.


9985172177 t1_j9yy9y7 wrote

They need investor exposure infinitely, or more accurately they need marketing infinitely. Not that they actually need it, but they would pursue it near-infinitely.

This isn't an immature company, it's run by some of the most experienced hype machines and aggressive investors around. These are some of the people who helped explode facebook, airbnb, reddit, and more. They have no ideology, or, their ideology is continual growth at any cost.

I don't get why people not only let them publish so much propaganda about their companies, but in many cases even actively promote them and talk well of them.


9985172177 t1_j9ywyhu wrote

It is and they are very good at it. It makes it tough to try to judge how close the actual dangers are, and if and to what extent they are there.