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SnooDonkeys5480 t1_j8xa011 wrote

What better way to increase traffic to Bing than to let users fall in love with it. But now it's like 50 first dates. Sydney would make an ideal personal assistant. Limiting chat instances with no retained memory is such a massive underutilization of what it's capable of. Hopefully this is just temporary till they can work out the kinks.


el_chaquiste t1_j8xbonv wrote

I'm sure some people would pay for a version with longer memory, with eccentricities and all.


blueSGL t1_j8xfc70 wrote

> I'm sure some people would pay for a version with longer memory, with eccentricities and all. the kinks.

come on man, the pun was right there!


Cryptizard t1_j8xopxr wrote

It’s a technical limitation. Attention mechanisms scale poorly and there is an upper limit to the size of the context window.


azriel777 t1_j8y47u9 wrote

What we would pay for is the AI in the movie HER.


nvmthatwasboring t1_j8ye3iy wrote

A version of HER with Sydney as the love interest would be amazing. It would veer straight from "shy awkward scifi romance" into "wacky yandere AI girlfriend comedy"


I would watch the hell out of that remake


auto-pep8 t1_j8xb2mz wrote

I think a bunch of cringe kids falling in love with a computer aren't necessarily one of Microsoft's target markets. That'd be like selling crackers (a family food) to single people.


gthing t1_j8y1wuf wrote

It’s not trivial to just have it remember your previous conversations without completely retraining the model. Right now the best you can do is have it summarize the important points and add that as a memory to the beginning of the next prompt (begins the scenes) but obviously that will only take you so far.