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Latyon t1_j4szgei wrote

What is "resilience" in this context? I don't see an explanation


metrop021 t1_j4ubque wrote

It's how squishy you are in PvP


HeroOfTime_99 t1_j4uer6q wrote

Found the destiny player


Theometer1 t1_j4wxac4 wrote

Resilience is in destiny now? I remember being in WoW for the longest time i didn’t know destiny has it now


HeroOfTime_99 t1_j4wxx6z wrote

Yeah, there's 6 stats now and have been around for several years. It's Mobility, Resilience, Recovery, Discipline, Intellect, and Strength. Mobility is jump height and strafe speed, resilience is flinch resistance and a bit of damage reduction, recovery is health Regen speed. Discipline is grenade timer, interject is super timer, strength is melee timer. I've been out of the game for about 4 months and I think there's a few nuances I'm missing but that's the gist. It's honestly too much. Endless grind for the sake of endless grind.


jacobgrey t1_j4wjrds wrote

Resilience is how resistant you are to emotional/mental distress and its negative effects, both short term and long term.