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flojo2012 t1_j5z7ry9 wrote

Before jumping off the deepend of obvious problems America has, it’s important to compare the relative life expectancy dip of other countries to determine the change pandemic life (a somewhat controlled variable) had on that life expectancy.


Rayjc58 t1_j620ttk wrote

Fox confusion writer For most Europe and AUS/NZ , they have higher life expectancy than USA , due to the aforementioned


flojo2012 t1_j621xw7 wrote

Did European countries see a similar dip?

Many of the items you described were also problems before the pandemic, so it doesn’t exactly explain the dip. It would be curious to find if other countries saw a dip as well, or the size of their dip.

The article does attribute the dip to drug overdoses and Covid, mainly.