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bobbi21 t1_j3gfml1 wrote

Funding is required to be listed by law... it takes no digging... no conflicts of interest and no further funding source listed means its funded internally by the university... your claims are totally made up from the fact that the author once did a study on a trial drug for that pharm company at some point in the past. You are aware trial funding gives zero money ti the researcher and its all to fund the trial costs as well. And that data is incredibly well documented to be for that specific trial alone. The only worry is if that trial is bias because the funders decide what studies are being done to some degree and can look at specific things which are more favourable to them (although thats harder to do in medicine with more restrictions in place).

Also if you think the director of the niaid directly decides who receives noh grants you also have no idea how these insittutions run.

You obviously have no clue on how medical research is conducted


AcidicGreyMatter t1_j3gg0o2 wrote

Okay so if I am wrong, correct me with the source of funding, because your comment doesn't correct me, it makes a baseless claim that I made it up, which my claim is not made up, you can look up the investors behind pharmazz yourself.

I have read through it and have not seen any mention of a specific university that provided the funding for this.


elhabito t1_j3h5j61 wrote

They gave you the source of the funding in the first two sentences.

Is this because you heard Donald Trump say hydroxy chloroquine 1,000 times during the pandemic? You should know he is not a doctor, a research candidate, or even a good businessman.


RatMannen t1_j3h8kgf wrote

They directly answered exactly those points. Try again. x


Jacko411 t1_j3hxu7g wrote

Just admit you don't kno what "conflict of interest" means.